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Investing in Dubai


Investing in Dubai Real Estate sector has been synonymous of easy money for very long. Though, this is not always and exactly the case. Definitely, the 2008 crisis had affected the Desert City that almost collapsed as a result. A few years have passed since, and development picked up again. Now competition is fierce.

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From Atlantis the Palm a full flight till Dubai Downtown via the Burj Arab. an Amazing experience to understand Dubai

What does it mean to invest in Dubai today? First of all, it is not as quick as we could think, and it is not as easy as we would think. To see complete picture, we suggest to have a look of 2020 Expo Master plan After a relative slow down, numbers are on the rise again. In anticipation of Expo 2020 investments will be further increasing, even more considering that the following year, in 2021, the Emirates will celebrate the Jubilee, marking 50 years since its foundation. It is very likely, that this will attract even more investors.

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Daria Ricchi

Daria Ricchi is an architectural historian and writer. She is currently visiting fellow at Oxford University, UK.
She has a Ph.D. in history and theory of architecture from Princeton University. She has taught at Princeton University, Yale University, and Parson. The New School, New York.
She published widely in scholarly and non-scholarly magazines (area, casamica- il corriere della sera, Low-Res, Pidgin, Threshold, AA Files).

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